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SPP 2377 Annual Meeting 2024 @ Uni Osnabrück

Event Details


The registration deadline is August 16th. Please fill in and submit our simple registration form. You help us a lot by not missing the deadline. Thanks!


On Tuesday September 17th 19:30 h we will have dinner at Restaurant Weinkrüger at Marienstraße 18, 49074 Osnabrück.

Travel Expenses and Hotels

The coordination project can cover the travel expenses (with the usual limitations -> SPP Wiki) for all PIs, one research fellow per PI per project, and for students funded out of the SPP’s equality fund. Additional researchers and students involved in the project presentation may be funded upon application.

We have arranged a contingent of rooms at a fixed rate at Ibis Budget Hotel located close to the central train station as well as a smaller number of rooms at Hotel Westermann which is a bit closer to the conference site but further from the train station. Please book your room by August 16th!

Hotel Ibis Budget
64 € per night plus 11,50 € breakfeast buffet
Tel.: +49 (0) 541 120 988 20
Please cite “Reservation Number: 718859”

Hotel Westermann
78,90 € per night including breakfeast
Tel.: +49 (0) 541 981140
Please cite “SPP Jahrestreffen Uni Osnabrück”

Of course you are free to choose a different hotel, but please keep in mind the price limits when handing in travel expenses.

Preliminary Schedule

Pre-program (September 16)

Arrival at Osnabrück, Check-in at Hotel.

20:30 h Guided City Tour and Get-Together. The tour starts at the Marktplatz in front of the town hall.

Day 1 (September 17)

09:00 Arrival / Coffee
09:30 Welcome Olaf Spinczyk
09:40 Keynote “Systems Software Challenges for Processing

with Intelligent Storage and Memories”

Ada Gavrilovska (Georgia Tech)
10:25 Coffee break
10:45 Project Presentations (15+5) Chair: Stefan Wildermann Anchor, HetCIM, SMAUG
11:50 MWS Report Data Structures for Disruptive Memories MemoryDiplomat
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Information for SPP Phase 2 Valentina Damerow (DFG)
13:15 Project Presentations (20+5) Chair: Jens Teubner ARTS-NVM, Memento, SMASH
14:35 MWS Report Benchmark Survey SMASH
14:45 Coffee & Posters
15:45 Project Presentations (20+5) Chair: Kai-Uwe Sattler NEON, HYPNOS, ParPerOS
17:05 Keynote “Overview of IBM Z Mainframe, its Memory Subsystem

and RAS (Reliability, Availability, Serviceability) Architecture”

Tobias Webel (IBM)
17:50 End
19:30 Dinner at Weinkrüger

Day 2 (September 18)

08:30 Arrival / Coffee
09:00 Welcome
09:05 Project presentations (20+5) Chair: Andreas Polze MemoryDiplomat, PAVE, VAMPIR
10:30 Coffee break
10:50 Project Presentations (15+5) Chair: Jeronimo Castrillon FOSSIL, CIMware, PIMPMe, Coordination
12:15 Feedback by advisory board
12:30 Discussion & Outlook
13:00 Closing Olaf Spinczyk
13:05 End