In a joint effort, one SPP2377 project replicated another’s setup for validation and verification purposes. A modified FreeBSD kernel for NVRAM, brought forward by the…
With a two-day kick-off meeting on September 21./22. 2022, SPP 2377 has taken up work. The event was hosted by Wolfgang Lehner and his team…
Yesterday, the MEMENTO team from the Ruhr University Bochum and HPI Potsdam held their kick-off meeting in at Timo Hönig’s group in Bochum. The team…
On Monday the DFG has sent out the notifications on the proposed projects. In total 14 research projects and one coordination project will be funded.…
26 high-quality research project proposals and one coordination project proposal have been submitted by November, 9th. This is a very good number, which at the…
This is some advice for those of you who are currently preparing a project proposal (others can stop reading here). Make sure that you precisely…
The link to the zoom room for the coordination meeting has now been published by “GI-Fachgruppe Betriebssysteme”. See you tomorrow at 10:00 here. Best regards,…
The Project Coordination Meeting on September 21st, 10:00 (10am s.t.), will conclude the Project Coordination Phase during which ideas for SPP phase 1 projects are…
As announced in the call for project proposals, we are going to hold a preparatory workshop in September. Its purpose is to provide a platform…
We have started an effort to share the answers that we give in email conversations on a continuously expanding web page. The first and only…