Proposal Coordination Meeting (online)
Visit the announcement of the project coordination meeting for details.
SPP 2377 Kick-Off @ TU Dresden
Our priority program’s kickoff meeting is scheduled for September 21st to 22nd. It will be organized by Wolfgang Lehner and his team at TU Dresden.…
SPP 2377 Annual Meeting 2023 @ OvGU Magdeburg
Our annual meeting 2023 is organized by the SMASH team at Otto-von-Guericke-Universität in Magdeburg. Here are our current plans for the meeting: Registration The registration…
DIMES’23 – Workshop on Disruptive Memory Systems @ SOSP’23, Koblenz
Submission deadline: August 11, 2023 You find the call for papers and more information on the workshop website.
DIMES’24 – Workshop on Disruptive Memory Systems @ SOSP’24, Austin, TX, USA
More information will become available on the workshop website soon.
NoDMC – 3rd Workshop on Novel Data Management Ideas on Heterogeneous (Co-)Processors @ BTW 2025
For more information visit the workshop website.